CRM Template Exploration
Email Template Expansion
At Greenlight, like many other in-house workplaces, most requests come from stakeholders and are passed over to the Design Team for execution. This was not the case for this Email Template Expansion Project. After using the same templates over and over as a part of the Social and CRM Team, I noticed a need for expanded template creations. These new templates addressed many challenges of our marketing partners while making email creation more streamlined and accurately targeted.
Greenlight Premium
The first challenge we set to solve: a premium user experience fit for a premium price tag. The premium templates aimed to create diversity within the brand and offer quality insider information (sneak peeks for product launch dates, secret offers, better card options, etc). This allowed for flex in the template structure while also soft launching a more premium system.

Cash Promos
Often buried in the middle or bottom of Greenlight’s emails, or stuffed into the tight header container of our rigid email templates, Cash Promos are an important part of the referrals system. We are offering customers money — big money! Why not celebrate this? Thus, we created dedicated emails that break the normal frame, treat this opportunity with excitement, and allow the offer to take up as much of the screen as possible.

A benefit of working in-house is often solving for the same challenge monthly, each month leveling on the past experience. The process for getting your card is one of those systems. We know, for families, getting the card is one of the most important ways to begin your journey at Greenlight. Early card adoption also prevents churn, making this list a critical communication.
We tried a simple text-based list module that was boring to read and a 123 step email whose framing didn’t quite tell the story as quickly as we hoped. This solution for the card listicle ensures we have the most clear, digestible version of this process possible. This listicle style solved an on-going issue in our adoption flow, but also, optimized templated lists for the future.